Celebrating Sheffield’s 25 Years of Success

After more than 25 years of hard work and dedication to SO Sheffield Phil and Norma retired this year. At the AGM it was decided that this should not go unmarked and so they were presented with a garden bench and commemorative plaque. Without them SO Sheffield would not be what it is today. Norma and Phil would like to express their thanks.

From Norma and Phil

“It was a great surprise to us when Sheffield Special Olympics gave us this lovely bench. It has been a joy and privilege to be part of the organisation and to eventually run Top Club. We have so many people to thank for their support over the years.

The many volunteers. Some stayed for a short time, others longer, but they all gave amazing support to our athletes and to us.

The parents, grandparents and carers who supported the athletes and us at training and competitions.

Especially we would like to thank the athletes. So many during these years. You have given us so many memories funny, happy and sometimes sad, but we have been so proud to be a part (albeit a small part) of your life. Some of you we have watched grow up from children into the fine adults you are now. We miss you all!

So Top Club is finished! However, there is a need for a Special Olympics athletic club in Sheffield, so it is not the end. We do believe that sometime a new club will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes. When it does, we will be there physically or in spirit to cheer it on. Thank you all.”